Insights into the UK R&D tax talent landscape - 2024

Insights into the UK R&D tax talent landscape - 2024

Welcome to the second edition of Leonid’s UK R&D tax talent landscape guide.  We’ve gathered together insights and key data which will help R&D tax consultancies in the UK to make more informed decisions about their hiring strategies.

The UK’s R&D tax incentives programme is a key driving force in helping the UK to become a leading force in innovation.  Research-intensive innovators rely on highly experienced R&D tax professionals to ensure they are set up to receive this crucial source of funding.  That’s where Leonid comes in. We work with leading R&D tax consultancies across the UK (and beyond) to help them build their expert teams: teams which are helping to keep the country’s innovation agenda thriving.


In this guide, Leonid has gathered some of the most critical pieces of data to help R&D tax consultancies to identify the top regions, industries and personnel skill sets to focus on, when considering how to expand their teams in 2024. 


Equally, R&D tax professionals who might be considering their next career move will gain a better understanding of how the talent market is shaping up.


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